Blijf gezond ❤ Leef gezond is een informatieve weblog voor gezondheidsbevordering door eenvoudige, eeuwenlang goed functionerende voedingswijze en leefstijl. "All real food works. It's what we do to the food nowadays, that doesn't." ~Prof. Robert Lustig. VolVitaal staat voor volwaardig, vitaalstofrijk en schaadstofvrij. VolVitaal maakt de connectie tussen voeding, leefwijze, gebeurtenissen, omgeving, omstandigheden, gezondheid en ziekte: de mens, niet opgedeeld in stukjes, maar als geheel in het geheel. Om beter te begrijpen, te behandelen en terug te gaan naar de basis. Met dankbaarheid voor -, vertrouwen in -, en de juiste omgang met de Schepping, mogen we weerbaar zijn tegen 80% van de huidige gezondheidsbedreigingen en ziekteverwekkers, en tegen de ongewone ontwikkelingen in de moderne voedings- en leefgewoonten. Mijn naam is Inge Walker - Iedema, Leefstijlcoach Gesundheitsberaterin GGB in opleiding, en verloskundige niet praktiserend. Wees welkom voor een opbouwende gedachtewisseling.

18 februari 2022

Quote: All real food works.

All real food works

All real food works.

It's what we do to the food, that doesn't.

What is real food?

All food straight from nature, unprocessed and not in any way manipulated, is provided for us by our Creator to maintain our health. The simpler, the better. 

Or, as Prof. Robert Lustig said: "Real food is anything that came out of the ground, or from animals that ate anything that came out of the ground." 

Real food has helped my daughter and me overcome our allergies, and it has helped me overcome my fatigue symptoms, brain fog and early rheumatism. 

It’s the processed food that makes sick, not the gluten, the lemon, the fish or the peanuts. It’s the processed food that makes the real food intolerable. 

Read more about real food in my blog: 

Prevent chronic metabolic syndrome with real food

What is Chronic Metabolic Syndrome? 

Prof. Rober Lustig said: 

"I am not a low carber. 

I am not a low fatter.

I am not a vegan.

I am not an anything. 

I am a real food guy. 

And I think all real food works. 

It’s what we do to the food that doesn’t.

I’ll show you why I think that.

We can only solve a problem, if we know what the problem is."

Let’s see what the problem really is in one of Robert Lustig’s many seminars: 

Robert Lustig is Professor emeritus of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology at the University of California, San Francisco, specialized in neuro-endocrinology and childhood obesity. Also director of UCSF's WATCH program (Weight Assessment for Teen and Child Health), and president and co-founder of the non-profit Institute for Responsible Nutrition. And best-selling author of the books Metabolical, Fat Chance, The hacking of the American mind, Sugar has 56 names, and Obesity before birth. 

Are you really healthy, even if you don't have symptoms (yet)?  is an article worth reading with a clear explanation about real food. 

🌱 What is it? 

🌱 What does it do? 

🌱 Why real food? 

🌱 What is epigenetics? 

🌱 How do you recognize ultra-processed food?

🌱 How can you eliminate ultra-processed food from your life?

🌱 What can you prevent with it? 

🌱 Are you really healthy, even if you don't have any symptoms (yet)? 

🌱 What do diabetes II, blood pressure, cholesterol, heart attack, liver diseases, cancer, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson's, depression, autism, allergies and covid have to do with real food?

Where can you find real food?

🌱 At the market. 

🌱 In the fresh-section of the supermarket. The inner shelves can all be avoided. 

🌱 Join or start a food cooperative in your area. 

🌱 Grow your own. Anyone with a garden, yard or lawn can do so. 

Getting started with real food?

Getting started with real food, and looking for delicious recipes? 

Check out my Recipe Page for inspiration. 

Real food

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